
The challenge to boost food production was a direct consequence of two world wars .

The radical changes in agriculture, and changing patterns of village life in general, has resulted in the disappearance, since 1945, of some trades that were once considered indispensable.

Threshing Fire - Considerable Damage At Bradworthy
Yet another fire has broken out at Bradworthy since the rick was burnt down last week at Horton Farm.

A threshing machine belonging to the West Devon Co., while in use at Dowland Farm (Mr. A. Dunn), caught fire when the men had ceased work during the dinner hour. The machine, which was in flames in a very few minutes, was driven out into the field to try to avoid contact with the barn and rick, but everything - barn, engine, and rick - was burnt out. Holsworthy Fire Brigade worked valiantly for over ten hours - 2 p.m. to 12.30 a.m.

It is thought the cause of the fire was due to a spark from the machine catching some straw alight. Mr. H. Harris, the driver, was severely burnt on arm and face, but is progressing well. Mr. T. Perkin another member of the team sustained slight burns. (April 1946)

The miller disappeared, as well as his grist mill. Many smithies closed, the cobbler no longer made the village footwear and few saddlers remained.

Tractors took the place of horses on most farms. From then on it became rare to see the ploughs drawn by teams of horses - the last team is thought to have been used at Instaple Farm in the 1950's.

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